Whether you’re drawn to biomimicry for any of the following reasons, the biomimicrySA team and larger network offers a range of opportunities to inspire and connect you to the world of biomimicry:

  • Emulate: This is the action of biomimicry, including innovation inspired by nature, inspiring case studies & the biomimicry methodology. biomimicrySA together with our local & international network offer a range of biomimicry inspiration, education & training, networking and consulting opportunities in South Africa and beyond.
  • (Re)connect: biomimicrySA offers opportunities to (re)connect to the genius of nature and to network across disciplines to inspire meaningful innovation through a range of workshops, expeditions and networking events as well as links to international networks and opportunities to learn from inspiring organisms.
  • Ethos: biomimicrySA’s team and network are deeply committed to contributing to the design of our world in a way that goes beyond sustainability. The biomimicry paradigm and approach is about recognising and conserving nature’s genius while learning from it in order to create conditions conducive to life. You can learn how or be inspired towards a hopeful, innovative and practical approach to sustainable design.